Talon is a tribe of Kumandra, the former chief was Dang Hai. The current chief is Dang Hu.
Raya and the Last Dragon[]
Raya describes the land of Talon as a floating market, and the village is exactly that when she arrives in the region in the hopes of attaining Chieftess Dang Hu’s gem piece. The citizens of Talon wear purple and are known for having fast hands. To emulate different kinds of markets from Laos, Thailand, or Indonesia, Arounsack revealed the importance of nailing down Talon's vibrant energy.
He mentioned "a lot of movement, lights, people, kids, older people, food, smells, everything” when describing the elements at the focus of the specific land. Since much of the tribe remains on the water, Talon has a natural defense system from the Druun, who stay away from water. Little Noi and the Ongis are among the most notable residents of Talon as their con artistry comes in handy during Raya's mission.
Talon’s port is at the center of the Dragon River and is an important crossroads for travelers. Goods arrive on battered boats at ramshackle piers, before being bought and sold at a bustling market. Merchants (and con artists) can make a lot of jade on the busy streets. Beyond the city gates lies a dense jungle. According to Sisu, the forest beyond the gates is a graveyard, where victims of the Druun reside.