Dragons are the magical creatures in Raya and the Last Dragon, highly revered as divine, dragons are beings born of water and harnessers of vast great mythical power. Dragons fought for humanity, against a sinister dark force called the Druun; however nearly failed in the end, causing them to go extinct, except for one dragon, Sisu. They were later revived by the faith and trust of the humans Raya, Boun, Noi, Tong, and Namaari in restoring the Dragon Gem.
Five hundred years ago, when Kumandra was whole, dragons gave humans water and harmony, and lived alongside them peacefully for much time. However, when the Druun awakened, it consumed and turned every living thing into stone. Not wanting mankind to be destroyed, the dragons fought valiantly for humanity, but one by one, they all turned into stone as well.
Sisu and her siblings became the final survivors, and together they created the Dragon Gem and entrusted it to their sister, Sisu, before being taken by the Druun. At that point, the rest of their race had turned into stone, leaving Sisu as the last dragon of Kumandra.

Dragons’ and humans’ kinship in ancient Kumandra
Sisu used the power of the Dragon Gem to blast the Druun away, breaking the curse. The Humans who were turned to stone came back to life, but the dragons and Sisu's siblings remained in their petrified form. After the Druun was defeated due to the extreme blast, Sisu fell into the water and was carried to the river's end, hibernating for five hundred years.
Centuries later, the Druun returned after the Gem was broken. Sisu was summoned by Raya, a princess from Heart, to defeat the Druun once and for all. Appeal to Raya’s cause helped Sisu retrieve most of the Gem’s shards, traveling with her to each of the five lands of Kumandra.
However, once they reached Fang with a team of helpers from other lands, Sisu was unintentionally killed by Namaari during an attempt at peace with the chief’s daughter. Fortunately, she was resurrected later by the rest of her kind after their restoration and the Gem’s reassembly. Raya introduced Chief Benja, her father, to Sisu; and all the tribes came together peacefully to celebrate with the dragons, who once again lived to serve and protect their human compatriots.
Physical Appearance[]
Kumandra's dragons are serpentine in shape besides their arms and legs. They have small dorsal fins running down their back and a cluster of fins at the end of the tail along with a thick mane on their neck that can be many different colors.
Unlike western dragons, the water dragons of Kumandra lack wings and take to the air by creating temporary stepping stones with raindrops rather than by using powered flight. They have one or more horns on their forehead which can come in a variety of forms and patterns, from the plate-like teardrop shaped horns of Pengu to the single jagged horn of Jagan. Dragons also seem to be able to have nearly any color and pattern in all colors of the rainbow, along with common patterns being stripes and bands.
Powers and Abilities[]
Dragons are shown to be beings of great magical power, with each possessing its unique, distinctive and different magic. Some powers are linked to the weather, such as Fog Generation and Rain Creation; while others are not, such as Shapeshifting and Illumination.
Aside from being versed in magic, dragons are shown to possess intellect that is significantly above the standard human intelligence, shown during the times Sisu provided Raya with advice and her knowledge of the human tongue. Dragons have superior strength and contain unearthly physical force as well. They are also expert swimmers, able to propel themselves at greater speeds through the water than any other known creatures.
Known Dragons[]
- The dragons in Raya and the Last Dragon are based off Nagas (in particular the Phaya Naga), serpentine creatures rumored to be dwelling in the Mekong River for centuries.
- In the beginning of the film, while Raya is narrating the story of how Sisu saved humanity from the Druun, many dragons appear that are warmer colors such as orange or red. However, few dragons of these colors are actually seen flying during the final scenes of the movie.
- A dragon's full name has the suffix "datu" on the end. For example, Sisu has been referred to as "Sisudatu" by both Raya and Boun.